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Finished leading edge



Finished the last leading edge. Now I'm ready to start cutting the ribs and spar for the vertical stabilizer once the wood arrives. I ordered some hardware and wood from Spruce Aircraft and it's taking forever to get to me. I've ordered a radio and books in the past and they would get it out to me in no time at all. Usually the next day. But, I ordered this on March 25th and it's no April 4th and they still haven't sent it out yet. When I call, they put me on hold to see what's going on with my order and then say they'll send it out by end of the day. But, they've said that the last three times I called them. I've been giving them a couple days between calls (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and I get the same answer. I've never ordered wood from them, though. So, I don't know if this is normal and what I should expect. I'm trying to be nice when I call them but I'm starting to thing I need to be not so nice.

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