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First Solo SOTA Activation


Did my first SOTA, Summits On The Air, activation this morning on Lookout Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona. Climbed the hard way up on accident when I followed what I thought was a trail but was actually a dry runoff. Arrived at the park about a quarter to seven and, after loading up and changing, hiked to the top in about an hour. Scrambled over some boulders and was glad that I decided to wear my biking gloves as they provided some protection. This is the view from the summit looking southeast toward where the park is and Mesa, Arizona.

View of Phoenix from Lookout Mountain

It amazes me that we have a mountain preserve smack dab in that middle of a major city that I have access to. The view from the top was amazing and I think that I took more time admiring the view than I did talking on my radio. When I first tried a SOTA activation about a year ago, I failed because I over estimated what I needed and my fitness level. Thanks to the encouragement of Charlie Brown, KJ7V, and the other hams in the area, I’m now met a personal goal of mine and was richly rewarded. Looking north, I can almost see Prescott and feel such a thrill of being where I am and what I’m doing.

Look at the north from Lookout Mountain

This is a picture of the park I started from only an hour earlier amazed by the views that I’m getting. I thought it would be easy climb until I lost the trail and ended up climbing up the rock face to the summit. Once there, I found a metal marker of the summit and lashed my antenna mast to it before beginning my calls. Immediately, I was rewarded with the voices of my ham friends as well as Charlie helping my make a successful activation. I’m reminded that I’m never alone when I’m on these hikes and know that I can get help if the need arises.

The park from where I started my hike up Lookout Mountain

Way off in the distance through the distant haze, you can just make out downtown Phoenix laying below me. I was able to make four local contacts on my 2-meter handheld radio and three using CW running less than 5 watts of power. I was able to make contacts into Oregon, Minnesota, and Kansas on my little Yaesu FT-817ND. Feeling really proud because I have nerve damage in my legs from my diabetes and can't always tell where they are. I went from stumbling around when I walk down the sidewalk to climbing mountains in a few short years.

View of downtown Phoenix from Lookout Mountain

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