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Glued horizontal stabilizer



Glued my horizontal stabilizer together. The mahogany plywood was delivered on Thursday and opened it up today and saw that the person that cut it took a chunk out of the side of it with the saw blade. Not only that, but on the other side, there was splintering. Now I have to redo my cut layout. I have more wood than I'll need but it's a pain to have to scrap a big chunk of that wood. I'm going to write Spruce and see that this doesn't happen again. When I drew out the horizontal stabilizer to full scale, I drew only half of it as shown in the plans. I was a little worried about how I was going to handle this. What I did was glue my ribs and diagonals on one half, turn it over and glue it for the other half, then glue my center rib with the mahogany gusset. Looks really nice. Didn't quite match up the leading edge at the tip and had to put a piece of 1/16” plywood shaved down to about 1/32” where the leading edge met and glued it in. Sanded everything down and it now looks nice.


horizontal stabilizer

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